This product is manufactured from aluminum with a top that is covered with a very specialized fabric system and carriers that can be made according to any color or wood design you wish.
You command this system, which provides sun and rain protection, by remote control while the entire sky is yours to enjoy. When the fabric curtain is all gathered up it only takes up 5 percent of the space on your ceiling.
When you are chilly turn your heater on and enjoy the warmth that is trapped in by the special insulated ceiling curtain. When the weather gets warmer you can close the curtains again and turn on the air conditioner. Energy will not be wasted while you stay cool. With Golden Pergola you are not stuck with only one type of pergola.
Depending on your preference the ceiling of your pergola can be made slanted to the side, slanted to two sides or even oval. You can so whatever you feel like with Gold Pergola.